We are happy to announce the publication of the Handbook on Heritage, Sustainable Tourism and Digital Media, edited by Silvia De Ascaniis and Lorenzo Cantoni, published by Edward Elgar: https://doi.org/10.4337/9781788970082.
The volume explores the impact of digital media over the last few decades, elaborating through several cases the major role they play in preserving and protecting heritage as well as their ability to promote and support sustainable tourism at heritage sites. The volume is organized following a conceptual tool – the ‘ABCDE framework’ – which enables the mapping of such a rich field, and gives it a narrative structure. The introduction, which provides the curators’ perspective on the topic, as well as the five chapters that introduce the five sections discussing the main elements of the framework, are available open access. These chapters are:
- Chapter 1: Access: Digital media can enlarge access to information about heritage destinations, Lorenzo Cantoni and Emanuele Mele
- Chapter 9: Better: Digital media can make tourism experiences at heritage destinations better, Elide Garbani-Nerini, Safak Korkut, and Silvia De Ascaniis
- Chapter 15: Connect: Digital media can connect residents, visitors and heritage, Silvia De Ascaniis and Karin Elgin-Nijhuis
- Chapter 21: Disintermediate: Digital media can disintermediate relationships in tourism at heritage destinations, Rayviscic Mutinda Ndivo
- Chapter 25: Educate: Digital media can educate players in the field of tourism at heritage destinations, Nadzeya Kalbaska and Ilaria Rosani