A scholarship for the Master in International Tourism

The UNESCO Chair is deeply involved in the Master in International Tourism, run by the Faculty of Economics in collaboration with the Faculty of Communication Sciences at Università della Svizzera italiana. Chair-holder, Prof. Lorenzo Cantoni, is not only a teacher of...

The new Master in Digital Fashion Communication @USI

In a recent interview with Ticino Welcome magazine n.56, UNESCO chair-holder Prof. Lorenzo Cantoni said “All of us were born unclad, but spend most of our life somehow dressed. What we wear is not only functional in order to protect and cover our body, but also...

UNESCO-UNITWIN Network meeting in Madrid

Chair Holder, Prof. Lorenzo Cantoni, participated in the meeting of the UNESCO-UNITWIN Network “Culture, Tourism and Development” at the University of Juan Carlos, Madrid from Friday, 9th of February, to Sunday, 11th of February. Prof. Cantoni had the...

Annual meeting of the KFPE

Prof. Lorenzo Cantoni, chairholder, has participated to the annual meeting of KFPE – Commission for Research Partnerschips with Developing Countries. Prof. Cantoni is ad personam member of the board of KFPE. The meeting took place on January 19-20, 2018, at the...

Tourism and Information Technology in UNESCO World Heritage Sites

The 8th Seminar of the UNESCO Chair and UNITWIN/UNESCO Network «Culture, Tourism, Development» took place last December 6th, at UNESCO Headquarters in Paris. The seminar tackeld the issue of Tourism and Technologies of Information in UNESCO World Heritage Sites. It...