A great experience and a best paper award at HTHIC 2017

From 27th to 29th September 2017, a delegation of the UNESCO Chair at USI composed of prof. Lorenzo Cantoni, dr. Silvia De Ascaniis and Emanuele Mele participated in the third Heritage, Tourism and Hospitality International Conference held in Pori (Finland). The...

A new website for UNESCO.CH

In 2016, the Chair received an official mandate by the Swiss Commission for UNESCO (SCU) to perform a strategic analysis of its online communication and to help re-design it. The mandate was carried out in two steps. In the first phase, different methodologies were...

HERITAGE Tourism and Hospitality, 3rd International Conference

The UNESCO Chair at USI is actively involved in the conference as a partner and with two activities on place: a keynote presentation by the chair-holder, professor Cantoni, on “eLearning for Heritage, Tourism and Hospitality: an outline and some...