Expert Workshop “Pilgrims in the digital age”

September 19, 2015. UNESCO Chair ran an Expert Workshop to explore the overlapping area between eLearning, eTourism and eReligion. Tourism is one of the most intense (informal) learning experiences, when the condition of being free FROM daily duties and...

Visiting Researcher from the City University of Hong Kong

Angela Tritto, a researcher based at the City University of Hong Kong, is spending a visiting period at the UNESCO Chair at USI collaborating with dr Silvia De Ascaniis. The collaboration has started when Angela attended the first Summer School organized by the UNESCO...

eTourism: Communication Perspectives

Prof. Cantoni and his brilliant team have just announced the MOOC – Massive Open Online Course – eTourism: Communication Perspectives by USI – Università della Svizzera italiana and its UNESCO chair in ICT to develop and promote sustainable tourism...