Observing tourists to better understand tourism

June 9-12, 2015. Prof. Cantoni contributes to the 5ème colloque International de l’Association ASTRES – Association Tourisme, Recherche et Enseignement Supérieur (La Rochelle, France) with a presentation on: Information and communication technologies to listen to...

PhD candidate Asta Adukaite visiting schools in South Africa for WHACY!

PhD candidate Asta Adukaite from Università della Svizzera italiana (USI) at the moment is based in South Africa as a visiting scholar for one year at the University of Cape Town. She is conducting a study on tourism education at the South African high schools and the...

eLearning Africa 2015

May 20-22, 2015. Dr. Nadzeya Kalbaska attended eLearning Africa 2015 Conference in Addis Ababa (Ethiopia) During the conference she has presented eLearning in tourism and hospitality projects managed by webatelier.net and the UNESCO Chair, in particular concentrating...

WHACY demonstration at INDABA Travel Show

May 9-11, 2015. Duncan Peltason, from Hospitality Youth Initiative – HYI demonstrating WHACY at INDABA – Africa’s Top Travel Shows, Durban (South Africa).     Have you ever played the WHACY Game? Go for it! You will love...

Digital Technologies and Tourism – Workshop on Cultural Routes

An Inspiring Workshop The European Institute of Cultural Routes set up a workshop for the HECTOR project (HEritage and Cultural Tourism Open Resources for innovative training schemes related to the Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe) that took place on...