IDEAL Summer School: photostory of the first week

Hereafter a few pictures of an exciting first week of the Summer school Prof. Lorenzo Cantoni (USI Lugano, Switzerland) on eTourism   Prof. Marcel Danesi (Toronto, Canada) on Semiotics   One of the several groupworks   Dr. Silvia De Ascaniis (USI...

Prof. Cantoni @ the 8th IPID International Annual Symposium

December 9, 2013. Prof. Cantoni held a keynote presentation at the 8th IPID International Annual Symposium (the International Network for Postgraduate Students in the area of ICT4D) at the University of Cape Town, South Africa. The keynote speech was dedicated on how...

Prof. Cantoni @ UNESCO Swiss Commission General Assembly

November 29, 2013. Prof. Cantoni has attended UNESCO Swiss Commission General Assembly at the École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), where he has presented the progress work of UNESCO Chair and especially focused on the “Awareness campaign about World...

Swiss UNESCO Commission holds an informal forum in Lugano

May 2, 2013. UNESCO Swiss Commission every two years organizes an event called Lugano meeting to provide an informal forum for national Commissions to review their cooperation and to discuss the common challenges they face in their work with and for UNESCO. The Lugano...