An Inspiring Workshop

The European Institute of Cultural Routes set up a workshop for the HECTOR project (HEritage and Cultural Tourism Open Resources for innovative training schemes related to the Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe) that took place on May 7th 2015 at the Cité International Universitaire de Paris (France).

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The workshop was organized around two major themes:

  • Digital technologies of the service of the experience of the tourist in European Cultural Routes
  • The issue of webanalytics and so-called Big Data

Discussions, presentations and round tables welcomed concerns for the future and ideas for a better present. You can find the detailed program here.


Professor Lorenzo Cantoni participated to the workshop. Being one of the three coordinators together with Maria Gravari-Barbas and Montserrat Crivillers, he opened the workshop with a discussion on “Why ICTs are important for Cultural Routes?“.

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The chair-holder animated the first Round Table on “ICT and Tourism experience. the apps” where the application “Carré d’Or” got presented.

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The second session presented “ICT and augmented experience – The case of Cluny” with a great demonstration by Christophe Voros.

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The second Round Table engaged a discussion on “Knowledge and Tracking of the tourist practices through big data“.

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Lorenzo Cantoni , Chair-holder, UNESCO chair in  ICT to develop and promote sustainable tourism in World Heritage Sites, Università della Svizzera italiana (USI Lugano, Switzerland)

Maria Gravari-Barbas, Chair-holder, UNESCO chair  Culture, Tourism, Development, Paris 1 University Panthéon-Sorbonne

Montserrat Crivillers, LABPATC, University of Barcelona, EIREST, Paris 1 University Panthéon-Sorbonne

For more information

Visit the official website of European Institute of Cultural Routes to learn more about the HECTOR project.