
Publication of the MARKS Project Brochure

We are delighted to announce the publication of the MARKS brochure summarizing the main outcomes of the MARKS Interreg project, at which USI collaborated. MARKS stands for "Monumental Arboreto for the historical network and the knowledge management...

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Adine Gavazzi at the Museo Túcume

Adine Gavazzi, our esteemed visiting researcher from the UNESCO Chair of Genoa, had the honor of presenting our Handbook on Heritage, Sustainable Tourism and digital media by Silvia de Ascaniis and Lorenzo Cantoni to the prestigious Museo Túcume....

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Miguel Zamora on tourism management in Perù

On November 8th, 2023, at 11:30 in room 355 of the main building of Università della Svizzera italiana (via G. Buffi 13, Lugano), Miguel Zamora-Salas will give a presentation on his experience in planning and management of tourism in Perù,...

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Digital Media and Heritage Tourism: a Map

On June 13, 2023, professor Lorenzo Cantoni has done a presentation titled Digital Media and Heritage Tourism: a Map at the University of Geneva, organized by the Centre Universitaire d’Informatique and the Confucius Institute. See the video of the...

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State of Asia 2022 Conference

State of Asia 2022 Conference

PhD candidate, Lea Hasenzahl, participated and attended as a Gen A Fellow in the State of Asia Address and Conference 2022 in Zurich (9 - 10 November 2022), which was organized by the Asian Society Switzerland.  "Gen A is a learning and leadership...

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