
Annual meeting of the KFPE

Prof. Lorenzo Cantoni, chairholder, has participated to the annual meeting of KFPE - Commission for Research Partnerschips with Developing Countries. Prof. Cantoni is ad personam member of the board of KFPE. The meeting took place on January 19-20,...

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Seminar: Issues in ICT4D

On October 20 2016, there was at USI (Università della Svizzera italiana), Lugano, prof. Wallace Chigona from University of Cape Town giving a seminar on Issues in Information and Communication Technologies for Development. Read more information...

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World Tourism Day 2016

For the celebration of World Tourism Day 2016, Prof. Lorenzo Cantoni will be a speaker at the Tourism Leaders' International Summit, representing both International Federation for IT and Travel & Tourism (IFITT) and UNESCO Chair in ICT. The...

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40th Session of UNESCO World Heritage Committee

The 40th session of UNESCO World Heritage Committee takes place in Istanbul, Turkey, in July 2016. A side event is dedicated to the "Integration of Sustainable Development into the Processes of the World Heritage Convention: Role of Academia and...

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