HTHIC 2020 Preceedings
Unfortunately, due to the current COVID-19 developments, the Heritage, Tourism and Hospitality, 4th International Conference has been cancelled. More info here.
However, the proceedings of the Conference are available: Cantoni, L., De Ascaniis, S., & Elgin-Nijhuis, K. (Eds.) (2020). “Preceedings” of the Heritage, Tourism and Hospitality International Conference – HTHIC2020: “Living Heritage and Sustainable Tourism” (supposed to take place April 6-8, 2020, Mendrisio, Switzerland), USI – Università della Svizzera italiana (Lugano, Switzerland), ISBN 978-88-6101-020-8
Hereafter, you can download the “Preceedings” for free (by doing so, you accept to receive the USI UNESCO Chair newsletter):
Cite as:
Cantoni, L., De Ascaniis, S., & Elgin-Nijhuis, K. (Eds.) (2020). “Preceedings” of the Heritage, Tourism and Hospitality International Conference – HTHIC2020: “Living Heritage and Sustainable Tourism” (supposed to take place April 6-8, 2020, Mendrisio, Switzerland), USI – Università della Svizzera italiana (Lugano, Switzerland), ISBN 978-88-6101-020-8