On May 24th, 2024, in Bellinzona at Castel Grande, the exhibition ‘Mortar: Science and History in Fragments‘ was inaugurated.

The exhibition has been realized in the frame of a project of science communication funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation. It aims at bringing people – especially young people – closer to the so called ‘hard sciences’ and at sensitizing them to the richness of our common heritage, adopting a narrative and captivating style. The exhibition communicates the results of many years of scientific investigations on materials collected at the Convent of St. Jhon in Müstair – a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1983 – which allowed to shed light on Swiss history, the medieval construction techniques and the connections between the Convent and other cultural heritage places in Switzerland and Europe. It has been displayed at the Convent in Müstair since last April and is now being moved to Castel Grande, where it will open to the public on May 25th and will stay until November 3rd, 2024 . It is the result of an intense and fruitful collaboration with colleagues of SUPSI and the UNESCO sites of Müstair and Bellinzona.