Chair holder, Prof. Lorenzo Cantoni, is part of HTHIC’s “Heritage & Slow Tourism LAB”, which is a spin-off of the Heritage, Tourism and Hospitality, International Conference (HTHIC). The virtual LAB brings together researchers, practitioners and policymakers who wish to explore further the varying meanings and practices of Slow in their search for ways to preserve natural and cultural heritage thanks to and despite tourism. 

LAB Meetings take place using Zoom, once every two months (depending on the availability of the speakers). A LAB meeting lasts one and a half hours and consist of two-three presentations and time for discussion. In general, the conversation in the LAB will be English, but simultaneous translation may be provided at times.   

LAB Meetings are open to presenters who are actively engaged in:

  • research related to Slow and wish to present – in a practitioner-friendly way – their research results or think their ongoing research project would benefit from feedback;
  • applying the Slow philosophy and wish to share best practices.

LAB Meetings are open to attendees who:

  • are curious to explore concept, challenges and opportunities of Slow Tourism, including Slow Travel, Slow Food, Slow Food Travel, Cittaslow and other Slow destinations and
  • look forward to sharing knowledge and experience.

LAB Meetings are not anonymous. You are kindly asked to RSVP for each meeting.

(, 2020)