UNESCO Chair in ICT to develop and promote sustainable tourism in World Heritage Sites 

Master in International Tourism

Università della Svizzera italiana offers a Master in International Tourism (MIT), run by the Faculty of Economics in collaboration with the Faculty of Communication Sciences. The USI UNESCO Chair is deeply involved in this Master, through teaching, research, internships and theses opportunities.

Our Mission

Established in September 2013, USI UNESCO Chair is committed to perform research and teaching on how Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) and digital media in general, can be effectively used to develop and promote sustainable tourism at World Heritage Sites (WHSs).

Open Access Chapters

We are happy to announce the publication of the Handbook on Heritage, Sustainable Tourism and Digital Media, edited by Silvia De Ascaniis and Lorenzo Cantoni, published by Edward Elgar: https://doi.org/10.4337/9781788970082.


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Summer School August 2020 postponed to 2021

We regret to inform you that, due to the global COVID-19 outbreak, this year's Summer School has been rescheduled to 2021. We look forward to welcoming you, in Indonesia next year (16th - 23rd August 2021). The official letter by chair-holder, Prof. Lorenzo Cantoni,...

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eLearning for Tourism during the time of Coronavirus

Dear colleagues and friends, As you know, Tourism is being dramatically affected by the Coronavirus crisis. According to UNWTO, “This pandemic affects every level of society and we stand by those affected in these times. The impact of the pandemic on already...

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HTHIC2020 canceled

Unfortunately, due to the current COVID-19 developments, the Heritage, Tourism and Hospitality, 4th International Conference has been canceled. The chance of postponing the conference to next year is being discussed at the moment. More info here.

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Publication of special panel report of ECREA 2018

The ECREA 2018 (Lugano, October 31 - November 3) special panel report on "Communicating World Heritage to global audiences of travelers" conducted by chair-holder, Prof. Lorenzo Cantoni and chair-coordinator, Dr. Silvia De Ascaniis, was published in the open access...

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UNESCO Chair @ Enter2020

Chair-holder, Prof. Lorenzo Cantoni, PhD candidate Emanuele Mele and visiting researcher Rafael Oliveira particiapted to the ENTER2020 conference in Surrey (January 8.10, 2020). A panel was run by prof. L. Cantoni, with Rafael Oliveira and Kelly Macquire (Ancient...

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