Angela Tritto, a researcher based at the City University of Hong Kong, is spending a visiting period at the UNESCO Chair at USI collaborating with dr Silvia De Ascaniis. The collaboration has started when Angela attended the first Summer School organized by the UNESCO Chair, in August 2014.
Angela and Silvia are working on a research project, which seeks to understand the potential of a qualitative analysis of Online Travel Reviews to improve heritage management. The case of Jiuzhaigou national park, that is a natural UNESCO world heritage site in China, is considered. The arguments advanced by visitors in their reviews are identified and categorized, to let emerge the strong and weak aspects of the park, which determine visitors’ opinion. On this base, insights for the improvement of the natural reserve’s management can be derived. In particular, arguments about tourists’ perceptions of environmental-friendly solutions implemented in the park are considered.
Angela Tritto received her Bachelor’s degree from the University of Bologna and her Master’s degree from the University of Edinburgh. Her background is in Chinese studies and business management. Currently, she is studying her final year of PhD in the Department of Public Policy at City University of Hong Kong. Her research investigates the application of environmental policies and technologies in World Heritage Sites at government and tourism industry level. She is interested in heritage, tourism and sustainability issues, and her work focuses on China and Malaysia.